Ask the Grounding Experts

What is the Difference Between Grounding and Bonding?

March 16, 2021 E&S Grounding Solutions Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode, E&S Grounding Solutions President David Stockin chats about the difference between ground (earthing) and bonding.  OSHA defines grounding as the intentional connection of an object likely to become energized to earth. Bonding is to intentionally connect to objects likely to become energized, to ensure that there are no differences in potential. OSHA wants all fueling operations to have both "grounding" and "bonding" to ensure that no hazardous sparks could cause a fire.  For a video of this podcast, please visit our YouTube Channel at E&S Grounding Solutions. For more information or to sign up for some of our world-renowned educational classes, please visit our website at:

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